Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Best Shopping Cart Plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce

Are you looking for a shopping cart plugin for your website?

You need cart and checkout functionality for your website in order to sell products and receive payments. A well-designed shopping cart improves the customers' buying experience, reduces abandoned carts, and will contribute immensely to your bottom line. 

Some indispensable features that any shopping cart plugin must have:

  • clean, minimal and easy-to-use interface
  • flexible customization options
  • support for top payment gateways 
  • compatibility with major WordPress themes and WooCommerce
  • security 
  • mobile-friendliness 
WooCommerce Fly to Cart and Floating CartWooCommerce Fly to Cart and Floating CartWooCommerce Fly to Cart and Floating Cart
WooCommerce Fly to Cart and Floating Cart is an example of shopping cart plugins available on Envato Elements and CodeCanyon.

Before you head over to CodeCanyon and Envato Elements to find the right shopping cart plugin, let's explore the benefits of a monthly subscription to Envato Elements

Envato Elements: Unlimited Downloads

Envato Elements is a service that provides an unlimited download subscription, meaning that you are free to download as many items as you like from millions of digital assets. This includes premium WordPress themes and plugins, stock photography, royalty-free audio, stock video, and graphics.

The subscription is covered by simple commercial licensing that gives you the rights to use the item in a broad variety of projects, including those of a commercial nature.

The licensing is future-proof, meaning even if you unsubscribe and can't download items from Envato Elements any more, any existing uses that you registered are still covered.

Unlimited downloads of 54+ million creative assets. From just €14.50/month.

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Subscribe today and start creating or learn more about why Envato Elements is Great for WordPress Developers

Shopping Cart Plugins on Envato Elements 

1. TFMiniCart

TFMiniCart&Product - WooCommerce Product, Mini CartTFMiniCart&Product - WooCommerce Product, Mini CartTFMiniCart&Product - WooCommerce Product, Mini Cart

This Elementor plugin is the perfect choice if you want to improve your potential customer’s buying experience. The plugin integrates a minicart add-on with WooCommerce Product add-on.

The mini cart widget adds enhanced cart and checkout functionality to your WooCommerce store. Upon clicking or hovering, the mini cart will display all the contents of the cart. You can also customize the colors, design, spacing, and typography of the icon cart, counter, text and content cart. 

TFProduct helps you display WooCommerce Products in grid, carousel, pagination, and load more layout. It can show recent products, featured products, bestselling products, sale products, top-rated products, mixed order products, and category products.

2. WooCommerce Desktop Push Notifications

WooCommerce Desktop Push NotificationsWooCommerce Desktop Push NotificationsWooCommerce Desktop Push Notifications

This plugin allows store managers to receive real-time push notifications on their desktop:

  • when an order is placed
  • when users add products to cart
  • when an order status changes

Each notification can be customized in the following ways:

  • with specific messages
  • by limiting the number of characters to be displayed into the notification message. 
  • choose what products to receive a notification when they are added to the cart
  • choose what type of notification to receive as a store manager

The add-to-cart notification is very useful in case of cart abandonment. 

Shopping Cart Plugins on CodeCanyon

3. Bestselling: WooCart Pro—Dropdown Cart for WooCommerce

WooCart Pro - Dropdown Cart for WooCommerceWooCart Pro - Dropdown Cart for WooCommerceWooCart Pro - Dropdown Cart for WooCommerce

WooCart Pro plugin allows you to add the shopping cart widget to your WooCommerce. With this plugin, customers can update or remove products from cart without reloading the cart continuously.

There are many ways to customize the cart: customize text and icon in cart, insert cart in menu, display WooCommerce cross-sell products in a popup cart, enable dropdown list on click or hover, hide cart if empty, or display total price and amount in any combination. 

The plugin is translation ready and works smoothly on all devices and browsers

4. WooCommerce One Page Shopping

WooCommerce One Page ShoppingWooCommerce One Page ShoppingWooCommerce One Page Shopping

This plugin allows users to complete the checkout process without spending time moving to a separate checkout page. After the user adds an item to their cart, the checkout fields appear at the bottom of the same page, allowing the user to complete the purchase process right then and there.

Advanced plugin settings allow to show combinations of cart and checkout on the shop page, category pages and product pages based on user preferences. The plugin is compatible with other WooCommerce plugins and Stripe. 

5. WooCommerce Cart To Quote Plugin

WooCommerce Cart To Quote PluginWooCommerce Cart To Quote PluginWooCommerce Cart To Quote Plugin

WooCommerce Cart To Quote Plugin allows you to add quotation forms in the cart page. Customers then can submit their shopping cart for quotation inquiry. You can disable or enable checkout for registered or guest customers so they can only submit the cart as an inquiry. 

The quotation forms can be created with Gravity Forms plugin or Contact Form 7 plugin. You can also send cart content in the email with created forms. 

Other notable features of this cart-to-quote plugin include: 

  • hide price for all products.
  • show custom text instead of price
  • change add to cart button text
  • enable checkout restriction and use the cart for quotation

6. WooCommerce Quick Order One Page Shop

Quick Order One Page ShopQuick Order One Page ShopQuick Order One Page Shop

If you're a wholesaler who wants to sell more then consider WooCommerce Quick Order One Page Shop. This plugin makes it faster and easier for your customer to order your products. They just need to go to the quick order page where they can choose multiple products and quanties. Then they cna click on the order button to add the group of products to their shopping basket.

WooCommerce Quick Order One Page Shop plugin can include product previews such as image, search option, additional information and add to cart button to enhance the user experience.

7. WooCommerce One Page (Product-Cart-Checkout)

WooCommerce One Page (Product-Cart-Checkout)WooCommerce One Page (Product-Cart-Checkout)WooCommerce One Page (Product-Cart-Checkout)

This quick checkout plugin allows users to complete the checkout process without moving to a separate checkout page. It works on all WooCommerce versions and themes. It comes in six different styles that you can easily customize. 

8. WooCommerce Popup Cart

WooCommerce Popup CartWooCommerce Popup CartWooCommerce Popup Cart

With WooCommerce Popup Cart, customers can add products to the shopping cart and continue shopping without going to the shopping cart page. Customers to add suggested item by category,  product, or resale in a popup window. The item added to the cart is immediately displayed with the View Cart and Checkout buttons.

You can customize the Popup cart heading font size and color, product title size. You can also choose to display product price, quantity, and SKU on Popup cart. 

Other notable features of this mobile-friendly plugin include: 

  • view cart popup anywhere on your site
  • counter number of already added product
  • suggested product displayed in the carousel
  • remove added items without refreshing the page
  • option to change the checkout link to redirect to the cart page instead

9. WooCommerce Awesome Side Cart

WooCommerce Awesome Side CartWooCommerce Awesome Side CartWooCommerce Awesome Side Cart

WooCommerce Awesome Side Cart is an interactive floating side cart that comes with a mini cart and counter. There is no need to leave the page and go to the cart and checkout page. You can also enable a product or shop page. The floating side cart shows up when the customer starts shopping from the product or shop page. They can change or update the product quantity in the side cart, and also remove items from the cart. 

This mobile-friendly WooCommerce floating side cart plugin is fully customizable. You can change the position of the mini cart icon, buttons, color of the side cart, product price, quantity and even display custom text in your languages.

Other notable features include:

  • view side cart anywhere on your site
  • display a counter with the number of products in the cart
  • subtotal of all products in cart
  • enable or disable the cart Icon
  • change cart position

10. WooCommerce Dynamic Cart Notices

Woocommerce Dynamic Cart NoticesWoocommerce Dynamic Cart NoticesWoocommerce Dynamic Cart Notices

Encourage your visitors to shop more from your site by displaying various cart notices. This plugin supports cart notices for:

  • showing the minimum order amount
  • encouraging users to add more to the cart in order to use coupon code
  • showing if a cart has certain products or products from certain category
  • showing deadline notices to encourage site visitors to finish shopping before a certain time
  • show a notice if visitor comes from specified URL

11. WooCommerce Fly to Cart and Floating Cart

WooCommerce Fly to Cart and Floating CartWooCommerce Fly to Cart and Floating CartWooCommerce Fly to Cart and Floating Cart

Sometimes the default WooCommerce cart takes up a lot space on your website and can put off customers. This plugin allows you to add a floating shopping cart instead that has a fly-to-cart effect. 

The cart takes up only a small corner on the website. When customer clicks or hover on it, the cart content opens in a popup. When the customer clicks on add-to-cart button, the product image will fly to the cart. 

You can set the position of the cart, change the popup open effect, the cart width and height, and the fly-to-cart parameters. 

12. Super Forms—WooCommerce Checkout Add-on

Super Forms - WooCommerce Checkout Add-onSuper Forms - WooCommerce Checkout Add-onSuper Forms - WooCommerce Checkout Add-on

This plugin for Super Forms give you full control over how the user is redirected to the shopping cart or checkout. You can add custom fees and apply custom discounts.

Abandoned Carts 

Not all is lost when a cart is abandoned. It is an opportunity to offer better deals and sell even more to potential customers. 

13. CartBack—WooCommerce Abandoned Cart and Remarketing in Facebook Messenger

CartBack - WooCommerce Abandoned Cart & Remarketing in Facebook MessengerCartBack - WooCommerce Abandoned Cart & Remarketing in Facebook MessengerCartBack - WooCommerce Abandoned Cart & Remarketing in Facebook Messenger

CartBack is the most effect way to recover abandoned carts because it is connected with Facebook Messenger. When a customer abandons their cart, you can send them a personalized message to their Facebook Messenger inbox with a discount coupon that has a call-to-action button.

On the analytics section on your dashboard, you will see the number of add-to-cart users, the number of messages sent in each reminder, first reminder, second reminder, or third reminder, including clicks, purchases, and revenue.

14. WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

WooCommerce Recover Abandoned CartWooCommerce Recover Abandoned CartWooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart

WooCommerce Recover Abandoned Cart monitors carts that are abandoned by members and guests. It automatically sends mails using the mail templates at specified times to recover the abandoned carts.

For members, as soon as a product is added to their cart, it will be captured in case the cart is later abandoned.

Guests will have to reach the step of inputting their email address on the checkout page, but once their email has been entered, their abandoned carts will be captured.

Free WordPress Shopping Cart Plugins 

WP EasyCart

WP EasyCart WP EasyCart WP EasyCart

WP EasyCart makes it easy to sell on Facebook and Instagram with your WordPress cart. It is also an all-in-one Stripe cart, Square cart, and PayPal cart. You can use Stripe payments to sell subscription and recurring billing products as well as offer Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Microsoft Pay.

WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart

WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping CartWordPress Simple PayPal Shopping CartWordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart

WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart allows you to add an Add to Cart button for your product on any posts or pages. This simple shopping cart plugin lets you sell products and services directly from your own WordPress site and turns your blog into an eCommerce site.


CartBounty – Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerceCartBounty – Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerceCartBounty – Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerce

The plugin allows to see who abandons your shopping carts and get in touch with them. It saves all activity in the WooCommerce checkout form before it is submitted. 

You will receive regular email notifications about newly abandoned shopping carts and you will be able to send automated abandoned cart recovery emails.

PayPal Shopping Cart

This plugin will allow you to sell products or services on your website using an Add to Cart button and View Cart button. The shopping cart itself is hosted on PayPal.

Shopping Cart Best Practices

Shopping cart is one the most important part of your customers' shopping experience. It can make or break sales. Let look at ways you can reduce cart abandonment rate. 

1. Understand Shopping Habits

The same shopping habits that occur in a supermarket also apply online. Customers add items they like to the shopping cart then decide at the end which items they are sure they want to buy and which they want to leave behind. It is best practice to let them continue shopping instead of taking the items directly to checkout. An online version of pressuring the customer to buy back fires because it frustrates their shopping flow. A continue shopping link on the shopping cart is a must. 

2. Make it Easy to Modify the Cart

Give customers the option to add or delete merchandise from the shopping cart without difficulty. 

3. Show Inventory Levels to Build Urgency

Showing how many items are remaining in your inventory builds urgency. This information can be displayed right in the shopping cart. 

4. Keep Inventory Information Up to Date

It is disappointing for customers to spend time on a website then pay for something that is not available. Make sure your inventory information is always kept up to date. The cart and product page should show if selected merchandise is sold out. 

5. Allow Guest Checkout

Many customers don't want to go through the process of registering on a website they may not return to. And if forced to do so they'll leave without buying! Offer customers a guest checkout option on your cart. 

6. Make Sure Your Store is Accessible and Responsive

Make sure the shopping cart is accessible to screen readers and other assistive devices that customers use. Also make sure your shopping cart works properly on mobile devices!

7. Have Payment Options

Make it easy for customers to pay by offering them a wide range of payment options. Many trust payment gateways like Paypal, and Stripe

8. No Hidden Fees

Transparency wins the hearts of customers. Hidden fees will definitely turn them off and they'll never return to your website. Your shopping cart should always show estimated taxes and shipping fees.

9. Offer Shipping and Pickup Options

Let customers decide what type of shipping service is convenient for them. Let them choose if they want overnight delivery or regular delivery. Also offer store pickup options on you shopping cart, if applicable, to give customers more control over when they can receive their orders. 

10. Show Your Return Policy

Customers expect to return merchandise if it's faulty or if for a number of reasons it doesn't work for them. A clearly visible and detailed return policy link on your shopping cart works wonders for your sales because it gives customers assurance that they won't be losing money and also they won't be stuck with merchandise they can't use.

11. Suggest Cross-Sell and Upsell Items

On the shopping cart page, you can cross-sell and upsell by suggesting products that compliment what they customer is buying. For example you can show add-ons to products that they've selected, or show what other customers bought.

12. Use Email

Enable email notifications to customers that includes and invoice showing what they have purchased, how they have paid for it and the amount they've been charged. Show an HTML invoice for purchases and include PDF invoices.  

13. Recover Abandoned Carts

Also enable email notification to customers in case of abandoned carts including incentives like coupons and discounts for customers complete their purchase. 

Take Advantage of the WooCommerce Plugins Available on CodeCanyon Now!

WooCoomerce is a powerful online store solution for your WordPress website. While the basic installation of WooCommerce will help you get your store up and running, it won't contain all the necessary features and functionality that your online store will need. 

CodeCanyon offers the most flexible and feature-rich WooCommerce WordPress plugins on the market and will add another dimension of functionality to your online store that users are accustomed to.

Whether you need to implement custom fields and uploads, display multiple currencies, or offer memberships, the diverse WooCommerce plugins available on CodeCanyon can help you accomplish these tasks. 

In addition to all the high-quality WooCommerce plugins available, there are also thousands of other high-quality WordPress plugins on CodeCanyon that can help enhance your website. Take look through the extensive library of plugins and you will find all types of plugins including forum, media, and SEO plugins.

Take advantage of the massive library of high-quality WordPress plugins on CodeCanyon now!

Find the perfect WordPress plugin to help your business succeed and motivate your customers. You can find even more plugin ideas and inspiration in our new free course on finding the best WordPress plugins for your site.

Via Tech

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